Friday, October 4, 2013

Peer Review 2. When looking at Project #1: (Elements and Principles), did you agree with the element or principle the artist listed with the images? Did you see other elements and principles in the images? For Casey's project, I did agree with all of the elements and principles that he listed with the images. I think that he was very creative when it came to finding the right picture for each one. A lot of the images did include other elements and principles. For example, in his image that he felt demonstrated "Shape", I also saw "Line" in there and in the image for "Color" he used a picture of a boat in the water and to me, that also demonstrated movement. For Jessica's project, I also thought she did a great job with the images that she selected. I have noticed that almost every image demonstrates many different elements and principles. A few that stuck out to me in Jessica's project was in her image for "Movement", I also noticed that "Shape" and "Unity" could also be used in that particular image. 3. When looking at Project #2: Where there any images in the Peer Blogs the same as your own? If yes, what were they? Where the reasons the image was selected the same or different as your own? Casey and I unfortunately did not have any of the same images in our blogs from this project. Jessica and I also didn't have any of the same images. There were so many interesting works of art at Albright that can mean many different things to many different people so I'm not too surprised that none of us picked the same ones. It was interesting to see how other people viewed some of the art that I also viewed! 4. Where there any images that your Peers selected that pique your interest now? If yes, what are they and what is your connection with them? What would you want to know about them? Yes, the image that Casey took of (Students of Kenmore East High School, Hurt to Hope, 2013) sparked my interest because even thought it was a student exhibit piece, the message that Casey pulled from it stuck out to me and helped me see the piece in a new light. It enforces a really powerful statement about bullying. 5. What do you think about the process of reading your peers reflection? Do you find this to be a valuable in your learning? I actually learned a lot about how people view works of art. I realized that each image can mean anything that someone wants it to. You imagination is what makes art what it is. It was really interesting for me to see what kinds of feelings my peers got from looking at the images. It gave me a different perspective of each of the images because I saw what I saw and interpreted it in my own way, then I also saw how they viewed it and that made sense as well. It's pretty crazy how images can be so controversial. 6. Check your Blog and read comments posted by your Peers. Do you find their comments helpful? I really enjoyed reading the comments from my peers because it gave me a chance to hear some feedback about the projects that we have all completed. It was nice to see that some people also felt the same connections to the same images that I did.

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