Friday, September 27, 2013

Art Gallery Visit

The first art work is by Giacomo Balla, called "Dinamismo di un Cane al Guinzaglio" in 1871, oil on canvas. This art work made an impression on me because it is a picture of a dog on a leash and I love animals, especially dogs, and I really enjoyed viewing this painting for that reason. The second art work is by Joan Miro called "Carnival d'Arlequin" in 1983 using oil on canvas as well. This picture made an impression on me because to me it seemed the picture was all over the place and there were a lot of things going on in the picture and sometimes I feel like that is how my life is. It was interesting to me to try to follow the picture and figure out what was going on. The third art work is by Henri Matisse called "Le Musique" in 1869 using oil on canvas. I felt a connection with this picture because I really enjoy listening to music and learning about music and in the picture the two women and playing and listening to music. The fourth work of art is by Edouard Vuillard called "The Painter Ker-Xavier Roussel and his Daughter" in 1903 using oil on cardboard. I felt a connection with this work of art because I am very close with my father and it was nice to see a picture of father and daughter spending time together because I try to do this as much as I can with my dad. The fifth work of art is by Edwin Walter Dickinson called "An Anniversary" in 1891 using oil on canvas. I want to know more about this artwork because it involved a gathering of people who seem to be having fun and celebrating an anniversary but what are they celebrating? Where are they? There's a lot of questions I had after viewing this work of art. The sixth, and last work of art is by Stuart Davis called "New York Waterfront" in 1938 using oil on canvas. I would like to know more about this picture because it's kind of hard to make out what the artist is really trying to convey in this picture. The colors helped me to understand and picture a water front a little better and I can pick out a picture of a boat in there but I would like to know what influenced this artist to create this painting the way that he did. One of the main discoveries that I noticed as I walking through the art gallery was that a number of the works of art I viewed were made using oil on canvas.


  1. Andrea,

    I immediately felt a connection to your first picture "Dinamismo di un Cane al Guinzaglio" which was the oil painting of the dog. I too love my dog (who happens to be black) and really enjoyed reading your blog about your visit. Great job!

  2. Wow, you chose some great works of art to take photos of. I recall seeing a few of these when I went to the gallery and they really make an impression on you. Especially when viewing the works in person. Very well written blog and pictures, Great Job!

  3. I loved what you had to say about some of these pictures. A few of them I didn't give a second thought to.
