Monday, September 2, 2013

Module 2 Post

1.  Aesthetics-Philosophy of the Arts
-discuss different philosophers views on aethetics
-Plato was the first, main philosopher who set the foundation for ideas about beauty and ideas behind aesthetics.
-Aristotle focused on the art form of Tragedy. Tragedy became a very popular form of art during the 4th century due to Artistotle's theories.
-Francis Hutcheson focused on and believed that "morality" was the main idea behind aesthetics. He believed that humans have a sense of beauty and harmony.

-Focused on the link between science and art.
-Changeaux focused symbolism and symmetry and also believes that artistic ability comes from genetics. He believes that works of art are human productions and are a form on non-verbal communication.
-Creation comes from ancestor, evolution over time
-Focused on the "bottom up processing of visual images"
-He concluded with a quote that I found very interesting and that stuck with me, the quote was "Art makes us aware of oneself as another"
-Ramachandran created and followed the 8 laws of art
-The part of his lecture that stuck out to me was when he said that every act of perception involved judgement. It made me realize that people do judge people on a regular basis even when they don't realize it.

Art and Neuroscience Article
-Focuses on how art is a "lie" that makes us realize the truth
-Describes how lines, faces, and color all add to the end result of artwork and how the brain interprets all of these aspects
-Demonstrates the meaning behind pieces of art work from the past. For example, the Mona Lisa.

2. As previously discussed in my video reflection, I feel that Francis Hutcheson's theory of Aesthetics was very important. He believed that morality was most important and I agree with him on that aspect. I had a difficult time choosing between Plato and Hutchenson because I think that both philosophers had very important views on aesthetics but to me, morality is a very important factor in life and in art,

3. Changeux and Ramachandran both had very educational views on the link between science and art. The importance of symmetry and symbolism was demonstrated throughout both of these lectures. Changeux focused more on how artistic abilities is genetic and changed and developed with evolution. As I mentioned earlier in the blog, I thought that the most interesting thing that Ramachandran stated was that every act of perception involved judgement. I learned a lot about how perception and art are linked and that's why art can be so different and mean different things to different people.

4. The videos and the article all related to each other in a number of ways. The main focus of all three information resources was Aesthetics. Another common aspect among these were why art is created and why it is important to create art. After reading and watching these videos and article, I learned a lot about why it is important to study art and that art is more than just "pretty pictures and structures". I also never realized how science and art are linked to each other and each of these information tools tended to reflect upon the different ways that those two are linked to each other.

5. I thought that the videos were both very educational. I really enjoyed reading the article because I felt like I could relate and understand it a little better than the videos. I found it interesting to learn about all of the different views on aesthetics and more about how genetics could have a lot to do with artistic abilities within individuals. Before reading this article and watching these videos, I did not know how complex art and the history of art was. The first video on aesthetics really gave me a better understanding of how art has changed as the centuries went on. I definitely learned a lot from module 2.

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