Sunday, September 15, 2013

Art Making/Material Exploration

1.I thought that creating the value scale with the charcoal was very interesting. It was interesting to see the different shades that a charcoal pencil could make. It was entertaining to mix colors together to create other colors. I have never really understood the meaning and reasoning behind the color wheel so after reading and watching the videos and actually creating my own color wheel, I learned a lot about how it works. 2.I liked working with the paint because I had fun playing with many different colors to create new colors. It’s amazing how many different colors can come from one base color. 3.What was the most important discovery in the creation of these studies? The most important discovery of these studies was that the only colors used were different shades of black and white and now the use of the color wheel has brought about the use of color, starting with the primary colors. Now there are many different colors used in today’s 4.The color theory video was very informational because it helped me to create my own color wheel. I wasn’t sure exactly how and where each color went and the video helped me to start the project. I also learned more about primary colors and why they are the primary colors. The video demonstrating how to create a value scale helped me to learn the correct way to shade and distinguish between lights, mediums and darks. The step by step instructions helped me to better understand how to create this value scale.

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