Friday, September 27, 2013


I thought that creating my logo was actually a fun experience. It gave me an opportunity to think about ways to describe myself on paper. The process of creating my logo started out with a few sketches of a few things that I thought described me. For example, I am a waitress so for my logo I chose to draw myself holding serving tray. Then I also took some time to think about some other things that described me or my interests. After some sketches, I decided to draw a picture of my dog and a picture of my favorite designer purse brand because those are two things that are important to me. I love to shop in my free time and I also love animals so I felt that drawing those on my serving tray would make a good logo to describe myself. The most important discovery I made while creating my logo was that there are so many different things a person could draw to describe themselves. It was a little difficult at first to come up with some ideas for my logo but after watching the video, PowerPoint and reading the material, I began to have a better idea of what to draw. The reading material also helped me realize how important a logo is to companies. A logo must be unique or it won't stand apart from other companies.

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