Monday, September 9, 2013

Project 1

sankeyal01's Project 1 album on Photobucket
For this project, I drove down to Niawanda Park in Tonawanda with a friend and took a walk down by the water to explore the elements of art and the principles of design. I spent a great deal of time exploring all different objects that I encountered along the way. For example, for the principle of movement, I captured a picture of the moving water in the river. The picture I took captured the rippling of the water which added a really interesting effect. I also noticed a lot of "pops" of color around me. The picture I took to demonstrate color was a picture of a red car in the park parking lot that was surrounded by yellow lines, green grass, brown and green trees and a white house in the background. I also captured an awesome picture that illustrated the principle of emphasis. The picture consisted of a white bird feather peacefully lying on the ground surrounded by bright green grass. As I was on this walk and searching for examples of these elements and principles, I realized how art really does play into everyday life, especially nature. Every little detail I noticed related to these principles and elements in some way. Some pictures demonstrated a number of these things. I have walked through this park a number of times before but I never stopped to notice all of the little things that make it truly beautiful. This project helped to me realize and understand the reasoning and explanation behind all of the beauty that I was seeing. Art has a way of allowing something so plain to be so beautiful and interesting at the same time.


  1. Very Nice pictures!
    Looks like you really got in depth of this project and took some great photos that emphasize and show the elements and principles we learned about in this particular module.

  2. I liked that you just walked around the park and found so many amazing examples of the principles. They were great.
