Friday, October 4, 2013

Video Review

The main focus in the Eyes of the Sculptor video was that Sculptor Emmanuael Fillion created a figurative clay model to a life-size marble sculpture. Some key concepts that I got from this video was that sculpting is a very time consuming, prestigious process that stems from earlier centuries. Fillion traveled and visited many historical monuments to learn about different techniques for sculpting. He compared present-day carving and sculpting with other methods that have been used for centuries. Some key concepts in the Glass and Ceramics video was the ideas being the two techniques of Glass Blowing and the art of stained glass windows. This video also went into detail about the production of ceramics, which is now very commonly being used in new applications. Next, the Glass and Ceramics video went into great detail about the use of glass architecture and how important it has become. The videos both showed a visual explanation of the processes that we read about in the book. Sculpting is a fine art/craft because you need to be highly skilled and be able to create and emphasize detail while sculpting. The book and movie went into great detail about what really goes into these fine arts and crafting. The Glass video demonstrated the use of ceramics in the real world, which the book also went into as well. These new techniques are becoming more and more useful for people these days. I thought that both of these films were very informational. It was interesting to see how important the process of sculpting is. Sculpting is a craft because you have to take the time to create it, using your skills and your creative mind. I thought the glass video was extremely interesting because I enjoyed learning about the art behind stained glass windows. You see these types of windows around but most people don't really take the time to think about the process that went into actually creating them. It's actually a very fascinating process. It was also really interesting to be able to see how glass architecture is increasingly replacing wood and stone architecture. All of these new techniques I viewed in these videos gave me a better understanding of how important the use of sculpture, installation and craft really is on our daily lives.

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