Saturday, October 12, 2013

Module 7 Video Review

The two videos I chose to watch were "Architecture: Science of Design", and "Imperial Rome, Ostia, and Portus: Ancient Architecture and Technology". The key concepts of the Science of Design video started off as explaining that Architecture is not only an art, is a science. Another key concept is that concrete, which is a construction material, because the symbol of modern architecture and is undergoing improvement. The video spent a lot of time going through the process of creating sky scrapers. There are two parts of a skyscraper which are the super structure, and the underground substructure. This video related to the readings in the book because it went into depth about how the environment affects architectural structures. The video gave a clear explanation of how sky scrapers are built due to being able to survive in certain weather conditions. It's important that all buildings are made this way and that's why the science behind architecture is so important. It was interesting to learn about the "intelligent home". It's kind of crazy to see that a lot of household features could be programmed and executed automatically. Sooner or later, before we know it, many people will be having houses like these ones! I chose to watch this video because I wanted to learn more about the science aspect of architecture as well as the art aspect. The Imperial Rome video went into detail about Ostia and Portus, which are the 2 main centers. The architecture that went into these are extraordinary and very interesting to learn about. The use of brick-faced concrete is the main building material used during these times. Ancient Roman architecture is interesting to me because it is so detailed and beautiful and you can really tell how much work went into creating constructing them. The Pantheon is such a historical and interesting structure. Many different types of structures went into this building. The body of the building is round and there are many statues of Gods placed throughout the building. I chose to watch this video because I wanted to learn more about ancient architecture. Looking at historical architecture is interesting because you can see that a lot of the same procedures and materials used back then, are still used today.

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