Thursday, October 24, 2013

Module 9 Video Reviews

The two videos I chose to watch were "The Drawings of Michaelangelo" and "Leonardo Di Vinci: Mind of the Renaissance". I chose these videos because I find the works of Michaelangelo and Di Vinci to be very interesting and the time period of the Renaissance has always been an interest to me. The video about Leonardo Di Vinci demonstrated that he was a painter, sculptor, architect, engineer, and student of anatomy, physiology, botany, architecture, hydrodynamics, aeronautics, and other disciplines. Leonardo Di Vinci started out painting when he was very young. He incorporated many philosophical thoughts and beliefs with his masterpieces. Symbolism was an important factor for Leonardo Di Vinci also. It was stated in the video that Di Vinci and Michaelangelo were rivals, which is another reason why I chose to watch these two specific videos. This video relates to the readings in the book because the concept of beauty plays an important role in the Renaissance and also in most of Leonardo's work. Also, the human body was looked at differently and started to become important to people during the Renaissance. I think that this video was very informational and helped me visualize more of what the art works were like during the Renaissance. The main concepts discussed in the video about Michaelangelo was that he always second thoughts about his drawings and was a perfectionist about them before he allowed anyone else to view them. This video focused on art students comparing his preparatory drawings with his finished masterworks. The pieces that were analyzed throughout the video were "Pieta", "Colossal David", "Sistine Chapel", "The last Judgement", "The Medici Tomb", and "St. Peter's Basilica". This video also went into detail about the tools, techniques, stylist evolution, and sexuality of Michaelangelo. This video related to the readings in the book because it went into detail about the materials that were used to create all of the works. For example, the use of charcoal, pencil, plaster, paint etc, were all mentioned in the book and in the video. Also, the readings discussed how Michaelangelo focused on perfecting human body parts and making them beautiful, and the video showed a visualization of that concept. I also thought this video was very informational because we got to see how other students view Michaelangelo's works and the process of how they were all created.

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