Friday, October 25, 2013

Exploring Line

I thought it was a little difficult to use my hands as a subject matter for drawing. Even though the actual shapes used to draw a hand are pretty easy to construct, I still felt like all of my trail drawings didn't turn out so good! I used a pencil to do my drawing because I felt that it would be a little easier than using charcoal because charcoal tends to smudge more than a regular pencil. Creating a drawing with my non-dominant hand was actually really uncomfortable! It just didn't feel natural, however the drawing came out a lot better than I thought it would. I think that the drawing using my dominant hand actually came out really nice. I even included details such as the acrylic nails that I currently have on, and the lines of my knuckles. I am a little impressed with how the drawing using my non-dominant hand turned out, but I don't think I would consider using my non-dominant hand to create art work in the future simply because it was just uncomfortable to do.

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