Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Art Criticism Video Review

The two videos I chose to watch were “Greenberg on Art Criticism: An Interview by T.J Clark” and “Introduction to Italian Renaissance”. The video interview with T.J Clark focused on his beliefs of the relationships between art and history, and the nature of value judgments in criticism. This video does relate the art criticism article project because it made me learn and realize how important judgments are and what it really takes to judge a piece of art work. There is more to just liking or disliking a work of art. I thought this video was extremely educational. I learned a lot about how to correctly criticize and it helped me when I was going through my peers exhibits. There’s a lot to focus on when you are critiquing something and this video pointed out some specifics and techniques to do so. The other video, “Introduction to Italian Renaissance” focused on how techniques were developed based on works of other people. This video displayed images of selected masterpieces that illustrate the Roman influence on Renaissance art and reinforces the concepts of perspective, balance, composition, and realism. This video related to this project in the sense that it gave me an idea of how certain techniques were developed and used when creating art. I thought this video was interesting because I was introduced to the different works of Italian Renaissance artists.

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