Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Art Critcism Article Blog

I chose the exhibit “foUnD”, created by Courtney Justus because as soon as I looked at it, I was very interested. I didn’t really have many challenges writing this article because the exhibit as put together in a way that easy to understand and very informational. I was very intrigued by the art works that she chose to interpret and I actually learned a lot from critiquing this exhibit. I liked critiquing a peer’s work because I feel that it gives us a chance to see where our peers are at with the same projects and classes that we are taking. I think I would like to read what my peers wrote about my project because I would like to see if they felt the same way as I did about the art works that I chose. On a scale of 1-10, I would rate my article at a 9. I think that I took the time to go through each art work and chose which ones meant the most to me and the ones I found to be most interesting, and further critiqued those ones. Overall, I did enjoy working on this project. I thought it was educational to go through and create my own exhibit, and take the time to see how other’s created theirs.

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