Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Module Eleven Video Review

The two videos that I chose to watch were "Expressionism" and "The Mysterical North: Spanish Art from the 19th Century to the Present". I chose to watch the video "Expressionism" because after reading a little bit about it in the textbook, I wanted to learn more. In my opinion, this form of art is the perfect way for artists to be creative and create meaning behind their paintings. Some key concepts pointed out throughout the video were that expressionism emphasized color's emotional properties. Contemporary Neo-expressionism has developed this artistic approach. Overall, this style of art was technically breaking norms, which made the works of art more interesting and "wild". This video also discusses art relating to the sexuality of men and women and how colors can demonstrate the differences. This video relates to the readings in the text book because they both discuss how fauvism relates to expressionism and how it eventually led to the creation of expressionism. Also, the book and video both stressed how there was less of a concern than the Fauves had with the formal and informal composition of color. I thought this video was very informational and interesting. I enjoyed learning about how expressionism allowed different artists to express their feelings with using different colors to portray objects. I chose to watch the video about Spanish Art because to me, Spanish art and Spanish culture seems to be exotic and I wanted to learn more about the art aspect of their culture. Northern Spain has some of the world's most celebrated artists such as Picasso, Miro, Dali and Goya. Violence, revolution, and war were major influences of the art that was originated in Spain. The art during this time demonstrated artistic and social turmoil that engulfed Spain as the 20th century began. The video mentioned how Goya was known as the Father of Modern Art. The video and the text book related to each other in the aspect that they both describe how art is constantly changing and how location is a big factor on the styles of art that you will find. I thought this video was also interesting because I thought it was enjoyable to watch how intense the styles of art were in Spain during these times.

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